1.With any audition, you come to a point where you're like, you know, wait, you won't let the whole world. . .
2.Our paths have come to a point, where although it is sad, we have to part, because now, living together is not a sign of love.
3.Unless you come to a point where your self dissolves into the universal, you cannot be truly unselfish. You can pretend.
4.For small applications, like applets, it might come to a point when it takes longer to start JVM than to run an application.
5.When you come to a point where you want to live like a plant, fully unconscious, then you have come to despair of humanity.
6.it is an act which obviously means you have come to a point where you are so completely isolated that you don't see any way out.
7.The petals of the Cornus florida variety have a notch at the tip, while those of the Japanese dogwood, Cornus kousa, come to a point.
8.When the soap has reached "trace" it means the liquid soap has come to a point where it will not separate back into oil and water.
9.He needed to come to a point where he could no more fall away from God.
10.Come to a point of acceptance of what is, including acceptance of oneself.